J Korean Assoc Oral Maxillofac Surg 2004; 30(3): 181~185
Change of blood viscosity and deformability in oral squamous cell carcinoma patients
Pil-Young Yun, Hoon Myoung, Jong-Ho Lee, Pill-Hoon Choung, Myung-Jin Kim
© Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. All rights reserved.

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Malignant tumor have hypoxic cell fraction, which makes radio-resistant and hypoxia in tumor is a result from the blood flow decrease caused by increase in blood flow resistance. Blood viscosity increase is major factor of increased blood flow resistance and it could be attributed to the decrease in blood deformability index. For the evaluation of the change of blood viscosity and blood deformability in oral squamous cell carcinoma, we perform the test of the change of those factors between the normal control group and oral squamous cell carcinoma cell patient group. Relative viscosity measured against distilled water was 5.25±0.14 for normal control group, and 5.78±0.26 for the SCC patient group and there was statistical significance between the groups. However, there was no significant difference between the groups in blood viscosity between the groups by tumor size (T1+T2 vs T3+T4). Also, there was no significant difference between the normal control group and SCC patient group in blood deformability index and between the groups by tumor size (T1+T2 vs T3+T4). Increase in blood viscosity was confirmed with this study and it can be postulated that modification blood viscosity might contribute to decrease of hypoxia fraction in oral squamous cell carcinoma, thus improve the effect of radiotherapy and it can be assumed that the main factor of blood viscosity increase is not decrease of blood deformability in oral squamous cell carcinoma.
Keywords: Oral squamous cell carcinoma, Blood viscosity, Blood deformability

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31 December 2024
Vol.50 No.6 pp.307~373

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