Fig. 9. Clinical examples of diverse oral mucosal malignancy in the retromolar trigone region (A-C) and representative view of positron emission tomography (D). Reconstructive options from skin graft on the retromolar trigone (E), single R-plate reconstruction after mandibulectomy (F), and R-plate and combined soft tissue flap reconstruction after mandibulectomy and partial maxillectomy case (G). Deficient hyoid originated muscles might not be covered with long bridged R-plate (H), hyoid bone must be tried to be attached to new reconstructed R-plate and coverage muscles by suing of non-resorbable suture materials (I), which is named as transhyoid laryngeal suspension. Trans hyoid laryngeal suspension by anchorage attachment between glottis and Para hyoid muscles and inferior border of mandible with non-resorbable sutures (J-L). Extensively advanced oral cancer ablations and anatomical reconstruction by latissimus dorsi (LD) free flap having double skin islands, preoperative intraoral appearance (M), wide resections with negative margin results of frozen biopsy (N), R-plate reconstruction in resected mandible and cannula insertion to the cutting Stensen’s duct (O), LD flap harvesting with two skin islands (P), inset appearance of LD flap by surrounding of R-plate (Q), trimming and refining for anatomical reconstruction (R), intraoral skin coverage status (S), and extraoral reconstruction status (T).