Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons : eISSN 2234-5930 / pISSN 2234-7550

Table. 1.

Pathological clinical data of the chosen studies

Schmidt et al.6 (1986), Germany Yasui et al.3 (2015), Japan Rekhi et al.4 (2018), India
Study type Epidemiological Epidemiological Epidemiological
No. of evaluable patients 64 16 300
Sex, M/F 43 (67.2)/21 (33.8) 10 (62.5)/6 (37.5) 203 (67.7)/97 (32.3)
Mean age 5 yr 11 mo 23 yr 14 yr 8 mo
Classification 64 (100) Embryonal RMS 10 (62.5) Spindle cell RMS
5 (31.3) Embryonal RMS
1 (6.3) Alveolar RMS
140 (46.7) Alveolar RMS
90 (30.0) Embryonal RMS
61 (20.3) Spindle cell RMS
9 (3.0) Pleomorphic RMS
Primary tumor location • 21 (32.8) Head and neck
• 10 (15.6) Orbit
• 9 (14.1) Intrathoracic space
• 11 (17.2) Genitourinary region
• 7 (10.9) Paratesticular
• 3 (4.7) Trunk
• 3 (4.7) Extremities
• 10 (62.5) Head and neck
• 4 (25.0) Genitourinary region
• 1 (6.3) Extremities
• 1 (6.3) Trunk
• 170 (56.7) Soft tissues, including extremities as the most common location in 59 (19.7)
• 126 (42.0) Head and neck
• 4 (1.3) Unknown
Histopathologic Yes Yes Yes
Immunohistological No No Yes
Main pathological features Three subtypes of embryonal RMS (primitive and intermediate). The main difference between the three subgroups was the number of rhabdomyoblasts Mixture of spindle cell and sclerosing features. Only 63% of cases showed rhabdomyoblasts The most common subtype was alveolar RMS (46.7%), followed by embryonal RMS (30.0%), spindle cell/sclerosing RMS, and pleomorphic RMS
Treatment Surgical resection and chemotherapy Combination of surgery, VAC chemotherapy, and/or radiotherapy Surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy (singular or combined)
Surgery Tumor resection Local excision, palatectomy, neck resection, orbit resection Tumor resection
Chemotherapy protocol • VCR, actinomycin D
• Adriamycin and cyclophosphamide (stages I, II, III)
• Stage IV Ifosfamide replaces cyclophosphamide
• 11 (68.8) VAC
• 4 (25.0) VCR, CDDP and THP-ADR
• 1 (6.3) GEM+DOC
Does not mention
Radiotherapy dose Does not mention Eight patients received radiotherapy, two of whom received heavy-particle radiotherapy Does not mention
Follow-up (mo) 48 39 27.7
Relapse 6 (9.4) 6 (37.5) 20 (6.7)
Five-year overall survival (%) 92.18 56.25 69.30

(M: male, F: female, RMS: rhabdomyosarcoma, VAC: vincristine, actinomycin, and cyclophosphamide, VCR: vincristine, CDDP: cisplatin, THPADR: tetrahydropyranyl adriamycin, GEM: gemcitabine, DOC: docetaxel)

Values are presented as number (%).

J Korean Assoc Oral Maxillofac Surg 2023;49:61~67